Prayer and Worship Team
This team is responsible for facilitating the worship life of the parish community by coordinating and providing quality liturgical and musical experiences throughout the liturgical year, which celebrate and strengthen the community’s faith journey.
Altar Linens
Members of this ministry gather the altar linens from week following the final Sunday liturgy. The linens are cleaned, ironed and returned to the church prior to the first weekend liturgy. Instructions on respectful handling of the linens will be provided.
Baptismal Garments
Members of this committee prepare baptismal garments to be presented to the newly baptized. Garments can be cross stitched at home and brought to the church prior to the Baptism.
Church Environment
Members of this committee prepare the Church for liturgical seasons and celebrations throughout the year. Some of the responsibilities include decorating and changing the seasonal colors and flower arranging.
Prayer Chain/Tree
Members of this ministry pray for the prayer intentions/requests of parishioners (family and friends) to assist those in need of prayer; whether it be spiritual, physical or emotional. When a request is made, all members are contacted within one or two days by phone or e-mail. Anonymity is assured, if desired.