Thank you to everyone who helped to make our Thanksgiving Food Drive such a success. We helped thirty-five families in need. Your monetary and food donations were greatly appreciated. As always, thank you for your continued support of the our Parish.
December 10 4:00pm—Candles & Carols Service by Crucifix, weather permitting December 10/11 12pm-4pm—Christmas Sales in the Gift Shop Please check our website to confirm events & discover new activities as the season progresses.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany Office of Lay Ministry & Parish Faith Formation This is My Body Given for You: An Advent Reflection on the Eucharist… with Rev. Richard FragomeniPriest of the Diocese of Albany Professor of Liturgy & Preaching, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago Wednesday, November 30, 2022 – 2:00 to 3:30 PM Virtual Presentation by Zoom To registerhttps://webapps.rcda.orgParishFaithFormation/ Please register by November 28th – There is no cost for the event. During Advent we prepare our hearts to celebrate the gift of Emmanuel- God with us. Each time we gather for Eucharist, the Only repeatable Sacrament of Initiation, we celebrate the gift of Christ’s enduring presence with us in his Body and Blood. Please join Fr. Fragomeni as he leads us in a reflection that will nourish our Advent waiting and deepen our participation in the Eucharist. We look forward to being with you! If you have any questions, please call us at 518-453-6670
Ski Club for 2023 at Willard Mountain for Transfiguration Parishioners Begins: Friday, January 6, 2023 Lesson Time: 5:00-6:30 p.m. This is a 6-week program. With your pass, you are able to begin skiing at 4 p.m. until your lesson; and then after your lesson until 9 p.m. Lift, Lesson and Ski/snowboard rental: $230.00 before November 25 Lift and Lesson only: $180.00 before November 25 Add an additional $20.00 to these rates if signing up after November 25. Willard Mountain is very excited to host our parish again this winter and hopes to see many new and returning skiers and snowboarders on the slope! Also makes a great Christmas gift. Please contact Sharon Frazee for ski forms at 518-506-4696
On November 13 immediately following the 10:15 Mass the Sacrament of the Sick will be offered. The Sacrament of the Sick is available to anyone with chronic illness, current health conditions, those preparing for surgery, or the elderly. This sacrament can be received multiple times through our lives.
The Book Nook will be open on Saturday November 19 from 9am-12pm. Please come & see what’s new on our shelves. BOGO specials on Clive Cussler & Fern Michaels. We appreciate your support!
December 10 4:00pm—Candles & Carols Service by Crucifix, weather permitting December 10/11 12pm-4pm—Christmas Sales in the Gift Shop Please check our website to confirm events & discover new activities as the season progresses.
Kiwanis Club of Troy is offering a Holiday Fruit Sale. Order forms are in the gathering areas of both churches. Forms & payment can be dropped in the collection baskets. As always, thank you for your support.