With your help and the grants received, we were able to pro- vide for over 430 visits to the Pantry. Each visit provided enough food for at least 9 meals for every person in the house- hold. We also provided food for over 50 Thanksgiving & 50 Christmas dinners. We were also able to provide assistance so that HVC School District could add an additional 15 children to the Backpack program. None of this would have been possi- ble without the support we received from so many caring peo- ple. Thank you so much for all that you do for us, and have done, over so many years.
The "Souper" Bowl of Caring was a great success! Two car loads of nonperishable food were donated to the local food pantries. In addition, a total of #1.391.00 was donated to the Schaghticoke Food Pantry and the Pittstown Food Pantry. Thank you for caring for our neighbors in need.