"Living with Cancer" is a monthly support group for patients, survivors, caregivers and loved ones. Next meeting: Monday, August 20, 7:00 pm at the Presbyterian church in Schaghticoke -- north end of the long bridge on NY-40. Questions? Call (Rev.) Ted Wright, patient and facilitator, at (240) 595-4511. Cancer can feel overwhelming!
Could God be calling YOU? Do you think God may be calling you to the religious life – a life of love and service through the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience? Would you like to learn more about such a life? If you would like to learn more about the religious life, please contact Sister Laurie-Marie, C.R. at [email protected] or call (518) 453-6690 for more information. Our Lady of Vocations, pray for us!
The Book Nook at will be closed during the month of August, in preparation of the parishwide Garage Sale being held on Friday and Saturday, August 31 and September 1. The $5/bag sale returns for those two days with tons of fiction/non-fiction books, CD's, cookbooks, religious, historical novels, biographies and of course children/young adult books. Fill a bag (any size) for only $5! If you've never been to the Annual Garage Sale or the Book Nook's $5/Bag Sale, you don't know what you're missing!! Please help your parish by continuing to drop off your donations of gently-used books at anytime. We need them for the upcoming sale! The parish offices are open everyday except Friday. Thank you again for your continued support and hoping to see all of you at the Garage Sale and Book Nook on Labor Day weekend.
Save the dates and save your treasures! The 9th Annual Parish-wide Garage Sale Friday, August 31st and Saturday, September 1st If you’re spring cleaning, please set aside your used, unused or unwanted items for this important fund-raiser. Call 235-0337 for more information. We are still looking for help for this event. Please contact us if you are available during the upcoming weeks to sort and price items
Wednesday, August 29th - Monday, September 3rd WE NEED HELP!! If you, a relative or a friend would consider volunteering for this important fundraiser, please contact the church offices at 518/235-0337 or 518/753- 4554. Please do not hesitate to volunteer as we are always in need of help.
Classes are being held on Monday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm at the Transfiguration Parish Hall in Speigletown. The classes are being held each Monday evening including August 6th. We will be taking a break for a few weeks, but will be continue again on September 10th. You can join at any time. The fee for a 1 hour class is $5.00 or $25.00 for 6 classes, which will have to be prepaid. Call Ellie DeBonis at 235-0337 for more information.