An emergency collection will be taken up this weekend (Nov. 3-4) for humanitarian aid and the needs of churches devastated by the storms in the South and Southeast regions of the United States in September and October. This emergency collection is intended to cover needs created by future 2018 storms/calamities. To donate, make your check payable to the parish – in the memo portion write: 2018 Disasters Emergency Collection. Our parish will send one check to Catholic Charities and 100% of the donations will go to the 2018 Disasters Collection.
We have been given the opportunity to establish a profile using the On-Line Giving button on the Transfiguration Parish website. Some of our parishioners are using this computerized way to make regular contributions via the internet. We are encouraging everyone to do so. The direct link to set up your individualized profile is You cannot access On-Line Giving through the My Parish App. Please consider this easy way to make regular contributions to Transfiguration Parish. If you choose this option you will not receive boxed envelopes.
The Book Nook is open November 17 from 9:00 am until noon. We have had a great se-lection of donations dropped off, so you should stop by and see what’s new! The November half-priced authors are Mary Higgins Clark, Harlan Coben, Clive Cussler and Debbie Macomber. The children and young adult books are 6/$1, as are the cookbooks, religious and history. Thanks for your continued support and see you at the Book Nook!
BIRTHRIGHT extends a sincere “Thank You” to all parishioners who participated in our Respect Life Sunday Baby Bottle Boomerang fundraiser. Your generous outpouring of love and support enables us to continue assisting pregnant women and families who desperately need help. We would like to remind you that any outstanding bottles are due back. Please drop them in the designated boxes as soon as you can.
Willard Mountain - ages 8 to adult - begins on Friday, January 11th - 5 to 6:30 pm Lift and lesson—$130 before Nov. 25 Lift, lesson & rental—$165 before Nov. 25 After November 25, please add $20 to these prices. Please contact Sharon Frazee at 518-235-8693 or [email protected] for more information and for registration form.
All orders must be in by November 5th! Help is needed to unload and sort fruit orders on Dec. 6th. For questions or to offer assistance, please call the office or Sean Fogarty at 518-268-8451.
The Book Nook is open November 3 from 9:00 am until noon. Our donations have been pouring in and we have a great selection of books by your favorite authors. The November half-priced authors are Mary Higgins Clark, Harlan Coben Clive Cussler & Debbie Macomber. The children’s and young adult books are 6/$1, as are the cookbooks, religious and history. Thanks for your continued support and see you at the Book Nook!
An emergency collection will be taken up next weekend (Nov. 3-4) for humanitarian aid and the needs of churches devastated by the storms in the South and Southeast regions of the United States in September and October. This emergency collection is intended to cover needs created by future 2018 storms/calamities. To donate, make your check payable to the parish – in the memo portion write: 2018 Disasters Emergency Collection. Our parish will send one check to Catholic Charities and 100% of the donations will go to the 2018 Disasters Collection.
In their statement on Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, the U.S. Catholic bishops remind Catholics about the call to participate in political life. “In the Catholic tradition,” they write, “responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation” (no. 13). Visit today to read the statement, watch videos, and access other great resources.
Monday, October 29, 2018 @ 7:00 pm St. Michael the Archangel Church 175 Williams Road, Troy. A panel discussion with: Deacon Walter Ayres, Director of Catholic Charities Commission on Peace Justice Jill Peckenpaugh, Director of the US Committee For Refugees and Immigrants Paula Read, Immigration counselor with Catholic Charities.
The Book Nook is open on Saturday, November 3 from 9:00 am until noon with half-priced specials on many of your favorite authors. Start stocking up on your winter reading. Please stop in and browse the shelves. Thank you, again for your continued support. See you at the Book Nook!
We are searching for volunteers for a new parish activity committee in our parish. The committee will help plan and implement all non-fundraising activities in our parish community. We are searching for people with new ideas for building relationships through fun, interesting activities for young and old. Evangelization begins through relationships with one another and God. Please join the activity team, and bring your ideas! Anyone who is interested in joining this exciting, new activity committee can contact the parish offices at 518-235-0337 04 518-753-4554. You can also contact Jim Johnson, who has volunteered to chair the Activity Committee, at 518-788-8092.
BIRTHRIGHT would like to remind parishioners that the baby bottles distributed during Respect Life Sunday are now due back. They can be left in the designated box by the church door . Birthright expresses their gratitude for your support of this fundraiser.
Albany NY Chapter of Magnificat ( Ministry to Catholic Women) is hosting a Women’s Breakfast on Saturday, November 17 form 9AM—12PM at the Vista Restaurant at Van Patten Golf Club, 924 Main St., Clifton Park. Tickets: $20; clergy & religious-free. Guest speaker is Priscilla “Missy” Muro. Missy is an active member of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Glenville. Register by Saturday, November 10—send a check for $20 payable to: Albany NY Chapter of Magnificat, PO BOX 340, Clifton Pk. NY 12065. Please include your name, address, phone # and email address. For questions call Kathleen at 518-930-8380. Online registration (chapter meal). ALL WOMEN ARE INVITED!
Thanks to our parishioners and the surrounding community, the Book Nook continues to receive numerous donations. We have some great fiction and nonfiction, biographies, historical novels, cookbooks and children/young adult books. We're open on Saturday, October 20 from 9:00 am until noon. The October half-priced specials are on the following authors: David Baldacci, Heather Graham, Linda Lael Miller and John Sandford. Children's books are 6/$1. Please stop in and browse the shelves. Thank you, again for your support. See you at the Book Nook!
All Souls Day—celebrated on November 2nd in Speigletown at 6:30PM. Any parishioner who has lost a family member in this past year and would like them to be remembered at this Mass please contact Martha Cioffi (518)235-7743 or call the office (518) 235-0337.
The National Shrine of St. Kateri Tekakwitha in Fond, NY is very excited to be celebrating its 80th Anniversary! To mark the special occasion, this historical landmark will be hosting a Gala Celebration honoring the Most Reverend Edward B. Scharfenberger, Bishop of Albany on October 17th, at the River Stone Manor in Glenville from 6-9PM. Please consider joining us or even becoming an event sponsor! Details are available at, tickets can be purchased at or by calling the Shrine office at (518) 853-3646 or email: [email protected].