You will notice that the Tabernacle at the North Site has been moved to a slightly different location. The reason is twofold. First, for safety and ease of movement around the Altar. The former location did not leave enough space for out clergy and ministers to move in the Sanctuary. The second is more important. Our worship spaces are marked with distinct objects that allow for proper worship. Our Altar, our Ambo, the Presider Chair, and server's chairs all have a special place and use. By crowding the Tabernacle up against the Ambo we have visual imbalance where they appear as one structure. It does not show respect for either. Moving it a bit to the left and back where it is in close proximity to the Sanctuary Light, we give the Tabernacle its own space and prominence. I hope you will find this a better way to pay honor and respect to the place where our blessed Sacrament is held. - Deacon Greg