Buildings and Grounds
This committee assists the Pastor/Pastoral Council in maintaining the physical buildings and grounds of both sites by planning and supervising projects and other activities to beautify and enhance the parish facilities. This group also sets meetings and other functions.
Clerical Assistance
Assist the office staff as needed and assist with mailings.
Members are needed to help publicize and announce liturgical, spiritual, and other events and socials held in the parish.
Communications – Website
Members of this committee create, organize, and maintain the parish website; update calendar of events; post pictures; and add information as it changes or becomes available to the committee.
Finance Committee
Members consult with and advise the Pastor regarding the ongoing financial status of the parish; budgeting; investment of savings; etc.
Pastoral Council
Members of this committee meet monthly with the Pastor to assist in implementing the mission of Jesus within the parish community. They vision, plan and implement through a strategic planning process; setting a direction, goals, and action plans. Members are called forth through discernment (prayerful) process yearly in the spring for a two year term.