Is in dire need of diapers, baby wipes and diaper cream ointment.
We are there for them because YOU are there for Birthright
There is a list of ongoing needs for the mothers and children in crisis, in the baby bassinets. Thank you for sharing your love for life with us. If you wish to donate monetarily the mailing address is: Birthright, 1490 Saratoga Rd., PO Box 661, Ballston Spa, NY 12020.
Albany NY Chapter of Magnificat (a Ministry to Catholic Women) Is hosting a Women’s Meal on Saturday,
March 15th from 9:00AM –12:00PM at Wolferts Roost Country Club, 120 Van Rensselaer, NY 12204.
Our Witness Speaker is Deacon Tony Cortese. Anthony Cortese was ordained a Deacon for the Albany Diocese in 2017 and assigned (and continues) to work at Christ the King Parish, Albany, NY. He is also the co-director of initial deacon formation for the Diocese, working with men and their spouses who are considering a vocation as a deacon. He is a licensed, certified social worker. His career has included working as a teacher, child care worker, social worker, program director, executive director and Chief Executive Officer of St.
Anne’s Institute. He and his wife Jackie, have been married for 39 years. They were foster and adoptive parents and they are the proud parents of 2 adult children.
Register by Wednesday, March 5, 2025;
send a $30.00 check payable to Albany NY Chapter of Magnificat, c/o Denise Fraioli, 551 Sacandaga
Rd., Glenville, NY 12302;or utilize PayPal @ $32.00.
Please include your name, address and phone no. and email address.
Online registration is available at:
Questions, call Kathleen @ 518-930-8380 (after 6 PM).
We need your help!
We are continuing to receive requests for communion to be brought to our parishioners at home and we need your help!
Visitation to the homebound and bringing them the Eucharist is a very rewarding ministry.
Please notify the Parish Office if you can help. Visitation does NOT have to occur on the
Training is available if needed.
● August 9th;
Men’s STEP UP 2025 Conference
Check-In 8:15AM—9:00AM
● October 18th;
Women’s UNLEASHING LOVE 2025 Conference
Check-In 8:00AM—9:00AM
St Edward the Confessor Church
569 Clifton Park Center Road, Clifton Park, NY 12065
Please Mark Your Calendar
Details To Follow
The Book Nook will be open Saturday February 1st and the 15th from 9AM till 12PM. PLEASE HELP!
The Book Nook is in need of books
We can not accept textbooks, cook books, encyclopedias or magazines |
Books can be left outside the Parish Book Nook door Monday through Thursday 9PM till 2PM
Do not leave books outside the Church. We appreciate your help
The Book Nook generates revenue for the Church; the public also appreciates the service.
Is celebrating 71 years of educating, nurturing, and developing the whole child while living the gospel message every day! Join us for our Catholic Schools Week OPEN HOUSE for prospective families on
Sunday, January 26, 2025 11A.M - 1P.M.
To learn more about our Preschool (ages 3-5) through Grade 8 school and how your child can become part of our school family; please preregister at .
For more information email [email protected].
St. Pius X School is a vibrant school with a robust academic curriculum that fosters the development of the Catholic faith in students, promoting both intellectual excellence and spiritual growth
Hear Yea, Hear Yea | The Book Nook will be open Saturday January 18th from 9AM till 12PM.
The Book Nook is in need of books. We can not accept textbooks, cook books, encyclopedias or magazines | Books can be left outside the Parish Book Nook door Monday through Thursday 9PM till 2PM. Do not leave books outside the Church.
We appreciate your help.
The Book Nook generates revenue for theChurch; the public also appreciates the service.
This book is designed to assist you on a pilgrimage centered on the Eucharist. Each day take some time to read and reflect on the readings, pray the Spiritual Communion and incorporate the virtue of the day into your daily activities.
On January 5 1:30 there will be a Prayer Service at Historic St Mary’s Church in Albany followed by a Pilgrimage 3:00 there will be a Mass at the Cathedral to culminate the Eucharistic Consecration and Open the Jubilee Year of 2025.
Mondays, 11AM to 12 noon
Thursdays, 6PM to 7PM
Schaghticoke Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall
Wear comfortable clothes & sneakers;
bring a water bottle.
Fr Martin Kordel will assume responsibility for the celebration of the 9:00 Mass in Schaghticoke. Fr Kordel is the administrator at St Augustine’s Church in Lansingburgh. Beth Thayer will remain Parish Life Coordinator here at Transfiguration Parish. This is being done to ease the responsibilities that have been placed on retired priest. It should be noted that Fr Ed did not request this change.
Will take place on Sunday, December 15 from 2:00PM—3:00PM in front of Planned Parenthood, 1040 State Street, Schenectady.
Please join us for an hour of Christmas caroling to bring hope & joy to the place of misery & despair. Children’s lives have been saved when their mothers heard the carols and reconsidered their “choice” in light of the Christmas story.
Dress for the weather for this outdoor event. All we need are voices, we’ll have songbooks and an empty manger to gather around.
Boxed envelope sets for 2025 are available for pickup at both parish locations; extra boxed sets are available. If you are not already making your donations by envelope and would like to start doing so, please contact the parish office at 518.235.0337; Mon—Thu, 9AM—2PM.
Hear Yea, Hear Yea
The Book Nook will be open Saturday December 7th from 9AM till 12PM; and closed Saturday December 21st.
The Book Nook is in need of books We can not accept textbooks, cook books, encyclopedias or magazines Books can be left outside the Parish Book Nook door Monday through Thursday 9PM till 2PM
Do not leave books outside the Church.
We appreciate your help. The Book Nook generates revenue for the Church; the public also appreciates the service.
We are in need of helpers to organize and manage the CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE. If you are able to assist by typing gift information labels, putting the labels on tags, or hanging the tags on the Giving Tree; please contact the office (518.235.0337) and speak with Mary Ellen.
Join us for our annual Mass of Thanksgiving on Wednesday, November 26th at 6:00PM in Speigletown. Take time before our busyness of the holiday to thank GOD for the many blessings you have received.
November 16 @ 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Transfiguration North Site - Schaghticoke
Register at
Click the orange box "Reserve Your Spot"
Family relationships can become casualties of a toxic political environment. Family members are having bitter political arguments, avoiding each other, or even cutting off lifetime relationships.
If you want to preserve important family bonds while still being true to your values and political beliefs, this in-person workshop will offer you:
Insight into why family differences over politics are uniquely challenging
Recognition of common roles that family members play in political conversations
Strategies and skills for handling family political differences in a constructive way
Although the focus is on family relationships, you can use learnings in this workshop with any loved one. You’ll laugh and have some fun in this workshop—it won’t be all serious. After all, we all come from quirky families.
Questions? Email
Ted Wright: [email protected]
Bruce France: [email protected]
Birthright would like to remind parishioners that the baby bottles distributed for Respect Life Sunday are due back. Please return them to the designated Birthright box at Church. Thank you!
Hear Yea, Hear Yea | The Book Nook will be open Saturday November 2nd & 16th from 9AM till 12PM.
The Book Nook is in need of books. We can not accept textbooks, cook books, encyclopedias or magazines. Books can be left outside the Parish Book Nook door Monday through Thursday 9PM till 2PM. Do not leave books outside the Church.
We appreciate your help. The Book Nook generates revenue for the Church; the public also appreciates the service.
Adoration will be available on Sunday, November 3rd 5:00PM to 6:00PM in Schaghticoke and on Monday, November 4th 1:00PM to 2:00PM in Speigletown. Join with fellow parishioners in silent prayer for our nation, peace in our world and all those who have been affected by natural disasters.